
Visever is a company specialized in the integral conservation of roads and highways, with more 15 years of experience in this young but mature sector.

The conservation of roads and highways is defined by the set of activities to be carried out, aiming at achieving the safest, comfortable, fluid and economic circulation possible, guaranteeing the level of service that the administration must render to society, as well as preserving the road heritage , Managing and managing it in an effective way, to avoid a loss of equity value and use.

From Visever we understand road conservation as a "service", contributing all our effort, work and experience in achieving the goal demanded that our roads are sustainable infrastructures.

The conservation of roads and highways is a necessary activity of present and future, since the transport by road (roads) is the universal medium, adaptable to any circumstance, that can reach any point of the territory. That is why it does not allow comparison with other modes of transport that are complementary, although they are also irreplaceable in the world today.

"The value of a civilization is measured not by what it knows how to create, but by what it knows how to preserve"

(Edouard Herriot)

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Visever S.L.

Headquarters, Administration and Factories

C/ Arquímedes 2, Polígono Industrial
02600 - Villarrobledo (Albacete) - España
+34 967 14 51 62
Visever is part of: ACEX    AFASEMETRA
Empresa beneficiaria de las subvenciones de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha: Ayudas -Adelante Inversión- para el fomento de la inversión y la mejora de la productividad empresarial.
Proyecto incentivado con una subvención cofinanciada en un 80% por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional.
Objetivo del proyecto: Conseguir un tejido empresarial más competitivo.
© Visever S.L. 2024.

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