Range of Road Marking Paints


Located in Villarrobledo (Spain), with more than 35 years of experience in road marking and maintenance industry, VISEVER started in 1995 to manufacture highly specialized paints in the application of marking projects. Over the years it was transformed from manufacture for self-consumption to a very specialized manufacture and open to the national market.

Its qualified staff is committed to achieving high quality and high efficiency paints that add value to any road signage project through a product adapted to the needs of each customer. Through a "one to one" collaboration, we analyze the initial conditions (available machinery, type of application project, weather conditions, etc.) in order to provide the best technical advice about the paint that best suits the customer project needs.

In 2017 VISEVER moves its facilities to the current location with a new production center of 14000 sqm. and a production capacity of 60 tons / day. Using a highly automated infrastructure and the best raw materials, VISEVER gets the best road marking paints that comply with the most demanding standards in product testing and durability.

In recent years VISEVER started a process of international expansion by exporting the paints and complementary products mainly to Europe and Latin America. In close staff contact with each customer and global technical advice ranging from product choice and logistics to post-application follow-up, VISEVER has achieved that its road marking paints are highly valued and applied in more than 25 countries.

Thanks to the effort in the design, formulation and manufacturing of quality paints, the VISEVER products fulfil the most demanding composition and durability test from most important laboratories. All our products comply with the directives of the EC standard, with the European standards UNE EN 1436 and UNE EN 1871 and the American standard AASHTO M-249.

Range of Road Marking Paints


VISPRAY (Thermoplastic Paint)

Technical Data Sheet

VIXTRUDER (Extrusion Paint)

Technical Data Sheet

VISACRYL (Acrylic Solvent-based Paint)

Technical Data Sheet

VISAQUA (Acrylic Water-based Paint)

Technical Data Sheet

VISCOMPONENT-M (MMA Bicomponent Hand Application)

Technical Data Sheet

VISCOMPONENT 1:1 (MMA Bicomponent Machine Application)

Technical Data Sheet



VISCOMPONENT 1:1 (For Graco LineLazer V 250MMA 98: 2)

Technical Data Sheet

Visever S.L.

Headquarters, Administration and Factories

C/ Arquímedes 2, Polígono Industrial
02600 - Villarrobledo (Albacete) - España
+34 967 14 51 62
Visever is part of: ACEX    AFASEMETRA
Empresa beneficiaria de las subvenciones de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha: Ayudas -Adelante Inversión- para el fomento de la inversión y la mejora de la productividad empresarial.
Proyecto incentivado con una subvención cofinanciada en un 80% por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional.
Objetivo del proyecto: Conseguir un tejido empresarial más competitivo.
© Visever S.L. 2025.

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